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If you want to start untangling your family tree, then you need the...

Endogamy and DNA Course

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Endogamy & DNA Course.

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Endogamy, multiple relationships or pedigree collapse on your family tree means that working with your DNA matches can be CHALLENGING!

That’s why we created the Endogamy and DNA Course. Developed and tested by an expert DNA team, this Course teaches straightforward strategies for addressing those tangled genetic lines more productively.

Endogamy and DNA Course logo

Anyone who has identified (or strongly suspects) the presence of endogamy, multiple relationships or pedigree collapse on a family tree and wants to learn straightforward DNA strategies for starting to untangle those intermingled genetic lines.

Not sure? Try using the Leeds method to separate your autosomal DNA matches into four distinct groups (which represent the four lineages of your grandparents). If you don’t have four distinct genetic groups, you may need this Course.

  • 3 weeks of self-paced, online instruction (about 2-3 hours per week)

  • Practice using tools at your DNA testing companies, without the need for complicated segment analysis or spreadsheets

  • Weekly pre-recorded video tutorials, additional resources, homework, quizzes, polls, and a moderated discussion board

  • A final live Q&A session that will be recorded and made available with your Course materials

  • Full-length digital workbook with classwork, homework, and research log (PDF format)

  • Homework that provides hands-on experience with real-life case studies

  • Enrollment in a class cohort that allows students to interact with one another at their preferred level

Core concepts: get ready for endogamy!

  • Endogamy or multiple relationships—or both? How to tell

  • Setting an endogamy research goal: understanding what is likely achievable

  • Contacting your DNA matches

  • Targeted testing and targeted transferring

Straightforward strategies across autosomal DNA testing websites

  • Understand the nuances of how each testing company adjusts (or not) for endogamy

  • Learn what you're working with at each testing company: AncestryDNA, MyHeritage, 23andMe, and FamilyTreeDNA

Organize, visualize, and what to do next

  • Downloading and organizing your DNA match lists

  • Using Lucid Chart

  • YDNA, mtDNA, and XDNA: how they can help you with endogamy

  • Next steps with Best Mystery Matches

Diahan Southard, Founder and CEO of Your DNA Guide

This Course has been created by Your DNA Guide Diahan Southard, a globally-renowned genetic genealogy educator, to give you a progressive, confident and thorough learning experience. Throughout the Course, Diahan and her expert team will be checking your progress on the discussion boards.

Do I need access to DNA test results for this course?

By the time the course starts, you should have autosomal DNA test results in hand from 23andMe, Ancestry, MyHeritage, FamilyTreeDNA or Living DNA. (The cost and ordering of a DNA test itself is not included in the course.) These can be your own test results or someone else’s, as long as that person has endogamy on their family tree and you’ve got permission to use their results and login access.

Are there any prerequisites for this course?

While taking the DNA Skills Workshop is helpful and foundational for everyone working with autosomal DNA matches, and some Academy students who have taken both suggest taking the Skills Workshop first, it is not required for this Course. Come with a basic understanding of how autosomal DNA matching typically works, or patience and a desire to learn. (With your enrollment you will receive a coupon for 20% off a print copy of Your DNA Guide–the Book, which will help you get up to speed.)

What technical requirements are necessary? Is there a textbook?

During the 3 weeks of interactive instruction, you’ll need a reliable internet connection for streaming the video learning sessions and for additional learning on your own time. There is no additional textbook to purchase: you’ll receive a unique Endogamy Workbook in PDF format and additional reference materials that support your learning.

I’m a reasonably advanced genetic genealogist with some experience working with endogamy. Is the Endogamy & DNA Course too basic for me?

The Endogamy & DNA Course is a foundational course preparatory to learning more advanced endogamy skills. The organized approach presented in this course will provide insight into prioritizing DNA matches among the various testing companies. Even professionals who have taken this course say it’s helped them out. See below!

Why should I take the Endogamy & DNA Course now?

There’s great demand for learning DNA workarounds for endogamy. Our unique multi-week, hands-on experience gives you straightforward strategies for FINALLY tackling endogamy more confidently and successfully–with DNA testing company tools that are ready at hand, and not too complicated. This Course has sold out every single session (once before we even started advertising it!), so it’s a good idea to enroll when there’s an open session.

"Of all of the courses I have taken, this one [DNA and Endogamy] has provided me with the best value for my dollar, giving me a greater practical knowledge
of how to process DNA cousin results and how to properly decipher and use the information. The whole course was a light bulb moment for me and I highly recommend it."

-Debbie D.

"The strategies in the Endogamy & DNA Course shifted my whole work procedure and outlook on what good matches are and which are worth focusing on first. That was major for me."

-Janna Helshtein, Professional genealogist, DNA at Eye Level

"Hands down, Diahan Southard’s Endogamy & DNA online course is the
best resource I have found for really learning how to dig into understanding endogamy, its impact on your autosomal DNA matches, and how to account for it when working those matches."

-Colleen Robledo Greene, MLIS Genealogy educator

"This class was a really great investment whose rewards I will continue to reap well into the future. I took it because I have endogamy on my dad's (100% Ashkenazi Jewish) side, plus multiple relationships on my mom's Sicilian side (two brothers married two sisters at the level of my maternal grandparents, so I have double 2Cs and double 2C1Rs). I've already been able to identify numerous connections between people that had eluded me for years, including verifying that my great grandmother was who she was supposed to be (my maternal haplotype is HV while everyone else has R0; 23&Me said this can happen because HV is downstream of R0, but I still wanted to be sure!). I also just got back from the Jewish cemetery in NYC where my paternal grandparents are buried, and because of this course (and an excellent BMM on 23&Me), I was able to legitimately identify how I'm related to all of the other people with the same last name whose gravestones were in the same section. This made my trip all the more meaningful! I know these skills will keep helping as I make my way through my BMM list (and add more as matches continue to join the sites), and I can't wait to continue to solve the mysteries of my mysterious and endogamous family!! Thank you so much, Diahan and coaches."


Learn! Or your money back

If after 6 months from the start date of the Endogamy and DNA Course, if you have fully participated (meaning you have watched and marked “complete” each video tutorial, completed the classwork and homework, and have asked for help on the discussion boards), but still do not understand the concepts being taught, we will refund the full cost. Read more about our refund policy.

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